Carl ‘I Don’t Like Gay People’ Higbie Resigns From The Trump Administration

· Updated on May 28, 2018

A Trump appointee has resigned after racist, homophobic, and misogynistic comments of his were brought to light, which is great but also weird because saying a bunch of horrible stuff about marginalized people seems like the Trump administration’s whole M.O.

Carl Higbie issorry, was!in charge of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal government’s volunteer service organization that oversees programs like AmeriCorps. Before that, he was the host of an internet radio talk show called Sound of Freedom.

CNN reporter Andrew Kaczynski and his “KFile” research team did a little digging into the Sound of Freedom’s archives, and it turns out the Sound of Freedom sounds pretty bad.

They found clips where Higbie says that people receiving government assistance shouldn’t be able to vote and others where he uses a bunch of tired stereotypes to complain against black people. In other clips, he doesn’t even put in the effort to find a stereotype to hang his hatred on, admitting that “I don’t like gay people” and “I just don’t like Muslims.”

Higbie resigned from his post on Thursday following CNN’s review. “Effective immediately, Carl Higbie has resigned as Chief of External Affairs at CNCS,” said a spokesperson for CNCS in a statement. The White House has yet to respond, CNN notes.

Carl finally responded to this mess on Friday, tweeting something about how he’s sorry and how “those words do not reflect who I am or what I stand for” or whatever but like sure, CARL.

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