Christina Aguilera and Demi Lovato have officially announced their much anticipated collaboration. In interviews, the two have hinted at the upcoming project for months now, so this announcement has been a long time coming. Aguilera and Lovato posted matching Instagram pictures of each other on Tuesday morning with the hashtag of the song title, “Fall In Line,” to set things off.

“Fall In Line” will be debuted in the form of a performance the Billboard Music Awards on May 20th, and will be a part of Christina’s new album,Liberation, which will be released on June 15th.

May 20th. @BBMAs. @ddlovato. #FallInLine.

A post shared by Christina Aguilera (@xtina) on

May 20th. @bbmas. @xtina. #FallInLine

A post shared by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

According to Billboard, the duo will be performing alongside other big stars like John Legend, Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes, and Dua Lipa. The Billboard Awards will be hosted by Kelly Clarkson on May 20th. Tune in to see what could potentially be a new addition to your summer playlist.

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