careers advice

Gay guys reveal the jobs that are a turn-off in potential partners

A posting on Reddit has prompted hundreds of responses. Appearing on the AskGayBros subreddit, someone asked “Which job would make someone instantly unattractive to you?”

The question prompted over 700 replies in less than 24 hours.

Among the most well-liked answers was “Crypto influencer”, followed by “influencers” of any description.

“I don’t consider being an ‘influencer’ to be a job,” said one responder. “Never have, never will. Most doing it don’t really make any real money from it. Can’t believe that’s still a ‘thing.'”

Another recounted their own experiences with influencers.

“I have really fun Airbnb spots in Chicago and I get at least one influencer request a week. The majority are not real ones (they will have like 1000 followers on Instagram) but sometimes they are pretty big names. I only hosted one and she was an absolute nightmare. Gave her two nights for free, she was super destructive to the unit, and her content failed to mention the listing.”

Flight attendant

Controversially, “flight attendant” was another well-liked comment. It seems lots of people imagine gay flight attendants to have boyfriends dotted all over the country or world.

“Flight attendant. Simply because of the work culture and anecdotal stories of some who cheat on their partners,” was one well-liked comment.

Some flight attendants who are monogamous were aghast at the one-sided view of their profession, although others in the industry said they did know some colleagues “with a boy in every port.”

Another pointed out that it’s wrong to assume a flight attendant is the one cheating in a relationship: it could just as well be the spouse or boyfriend left at home. Which is true, right?

And hello… can we also mention those “friends and family” benefits that sometimes come with a flight attendant partner? Surely a perk?

Morally questionable work

Other, less controversial suggestions for undesirable jobs included right-wing lawmakers, evangelical pastors, or Republican fundraisers.

A trend began to emerge. Many don’t feel comfortable dating someone whose job involves questionable ethics or downright illegal activity.

One person said he previously knew a guy who made apps and games. “He boasted that he made a lot of money simply selling people’s email addresses.” This, unsurprisingly, was a big turn-off for the guy posting. Others agreed anyone doing anything “morally bad” was unattractive, such as drug dealers.

On a similar note, another person suggested, “Anyone who makes a living by exploiting others and enjoys it. Worse if they justify it with – oh well if they are dumb enough …”

Another career path that probably boasts an over-representation of gay people is PR. Apparently, for some people, this is a relationship killer.

“It’s not the job itself that turns me off,” explained one. “It’s the constantly being on their phone, their impossible schedules, the consistent last minute canceling of dates, being on call 24/7, etc.”

Others suggested that other jobs that are demanding around the clock are also not appealing, and that might even include doctors and lawyers.

Police officers were also viewed badly by some of those replying.


Surprisingly, engineers also have a bad rep. Apparently, some of them are overly smug.

“The more and more I work with engineers, the more I absolutely can’t stand them,” one person commented. “They’re so smug about everything, and they act like bullies sometimes when they gang up on anyone they perceive to be less intelligent than them.”

An engineer was among those to respond, saying, “You do have a point. I am an engineer and due to the amount of time study, training and professional registration takes there is some elitism associated with it. Also the inherent ability to understand the physical world makes engineers have an answer, or at least an opinion on everything and it can come across as arrogance, add to this a lot of engineers are on the spectrum. We even struggle to get on amongst ourselves!”

Lastly, someone suggested others were being too judgemental.

They said “nothing” is unattractive about someone who’s gainfully employed, and this earned plenty of upticks.

“As someone who has been unemployed for years and years, I have learned to be less judgmental of people’s way of putting food on their table. As long as it’s legal, it’s alright. A job is a job.”

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