After twerking into our hearts in season 10’s first episode, Kalorie Karbdashian-Williams sashayed away on this week’s Drag Race. INTO caught up with her to discuss being a queen of size and having to dance against her best squirrel friends.
Hi Kalorie! I just want to say that I’m a big fan of yours both as a fellow Latinx person and a person of size. I’m wondering, how did it feel to have to lip sync against both your Latinx sister Vanessa and your BFF Eureka?
It was one of the hardest thing to do. Both girls were so close to me and its hard to compete with people that you feel a connection with.
You recently spoke up about the way some fans treated you for sending home Vanessa, who was a fan favorite. What frustrated you most about people’s reaction to you just doing your job on a competition show?
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RuPaul had told me that I had to impress him so that’s what I did. Not trying to be malicious and send Vanessa home but at that point it was either her or me and at that point I had to make a decision.
You spoke a lot about being bullied for your weight in the past and how Kalorie helped you through tough times. Do you still find any difficulty in the drag community for being a queen of size?
Yes and no. Only because I feel that as a big girl there is more pressure put onto us and me being my size and type of brand, the pressure is even higher to prove that a big girl can be sexy.
The judges, specifically Ross, asked you to explain who you were. Do you think you had trouble selling your aesthetic to the judges or do you think they just didn’t get it?
I felt like they just didn’t get it but I also feel that I could have done a better job to show them.
Who are you rooting for of the leftover queens?
Eureka O’Hara, she is my fellow big girl sister, and Asia O’Hara because I have admired her for so long.
I know you said there aren’t too many other New Mexico queens, but is there anyone else from your local scene you’d want to see go on Drag Race?
From my scene would be Madison Eriks.
And, of course, obligatory question: who did you have prepared for the Snatch Game?
A Kim Kardashian who is obsessed with food.