For World AIDS Day, INTO Lets People With HIV Lead the Way

· Updated on May 28, 2018

December 1 is World AIDS Day. Every year, the day comes around and the community those living with HIV and those fighting to end it reflect on a year’s worth of losses, gains and challenges. And though we don’t know when the epidemic will end, or if it ever will for some people, we renew our efforts.

The leaders in the fight against HIV must be those living with the virus. If you want to fight against a health care system that erases people with HIV, you must first listen to them. If you want to fight for them, they must be uplifted.

In that spirit, INTO has asked people living with HIV of different races, genders and experiences to share some words and stories with our readership today. These stories act as a bridge between people with disparate experiences. They talk about being undetectable, about loving and having sex with HIV and about having faith while living with the virus. Hopefully, they challenge you. And in that challenge, you’ll find your inner spark reignited.


POZ 4 POZ: Sorry, Just My Preference

Writer Timothy DuWhite reflects on his experiences as an HIV+ person who only dates other HIV+ people.

Read more here.

Eleven Years Later, Reflecting on Lessons Learned from HIVUndetectable=Untransmittable. So Why the Hell Isn’t That Catching On?What Happens When You Stop Fearing AIDS & Learn to Live with HIV

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