Here’s Our Dream List of Guest Stars for ‘Will & Grace’

· Updated on May 28, 2018

It’s been eleven years since the last new episode of Will & Grace aired.

The twinks you knew back then are now daddies. The queens you knew back then are now retired and moved to Palm Springs and breed dachshunds. Those go-go boys you knew, have now hung up the neon jockstraps and opt for button downs and wine tastings. No, that doesn’t apply to everyonebut it happens!

Will & Grace was a trailblazer in putting LGBTQ entertainment in your everyday households. And, of course, hosted dozens of iconic celebrity guest stars! But it has us wondering, who might pop up in the new season?

While it has already been confirmed that Jane Lynch and Andrew Rannells will guest star, we know there must be more celebrities in store. Especially since there hasbeeneleven years of fresh gay icon blood and some that have yet to of been utilized!

Lady Gaga wasn’t even on the radio yet (I mean she really isn’t now either). Beyonce was just on her second solo album. And Ariana Grande was a teeny tiny child with her original nose! So we curated a list of icons we’d love to see pop up on the show and some suggestions on the role they could possibly play:


I mean, this is a no-brainer. The first season of Drag Race wouldn’t premiere until two years after the last episode of Will & Grace. Since then, it’s revolutionized and mainstreamed not only drag culture, but LGBTQ culture in general.

But who would he play? Well, Jack was trying so hard to be an actor for so long and craved the spotlight. He watched Drag Race and thought “I could do that!” – so Jack dabbled in drag and weaseled himself onto Drag Race somehow, only to ultimately “sashay away” for trying to hook up with the entire camera crew and PAs.

Eddie Monsoon &Patsy Stone

Can you think of two better guest stars to be the British best friends of Karen Walker?

I’m envisioning a two-minute back and forth conversation of all three of them just calling each other “sweetie,” and Karen just has ‘Driver’ ride them around in her limo, drinking champs and exchanging prescriptions with each other like Pokemon (gotta catch ‘em all!). Now that would be absolutely fabulous!

It’s Britney…again, Bitch.

Look – I would love for Britney to reprise Amber-Louise. Still a lesbian butmarried, but who is she married to? HOW ABOUT LADY GAGA? How insane would it be for Britney and Gaga to be a couple? Especially now that Gaga says she’s taking a rest from music, she has the time.

I picture Brit Brit and Gaga on set, talking about their careers. Gaga tells Britney she’s taking a break from singing, and Britney is all like “Oh girl, I haven’t sung in ten years. Although I did a one minute Bonnie Raitt cover and I think that should buy me another ten!”

Dolly Parton

They’ve had Cher, Lily Tomlin, Bernadette Peters, Debbie Reynolds, and Debbie Harryso why not Dolly? And she would HAVE to play herself.

You know these sitcoms always end up going to Disney World at some point, it’s basically inevitable. But where else would the cast of Will & Grace go but Dollywood?

They wander around the theme park and wind up in Dolly’s personal apartment. Karen sees Dolly and thinks she’s looking in the mirrorthe big tata’s, the makeup, the big hair! Must be a reflectionnot to mention the amount of Xanax she’s on! (Karennot Dolly.)


Because, duh! Jack has NOT given up his other 53 dreams, especially the one about being a backup dancer! It didn’t work out with Janet Jacksonbut here’s a shot to be a dancer for Queen Bey herself!

He tries so hard too, he even shows up to the audition in a bee costume, doing the “Single Ladies” dance and smashing glass windows with a baseball bat. He brought a Beyonce megamix obvi. Also – we haven’t seen Beyonce act since 2009’s Obsessed where she was choking Ali Larter for being in her house, so it’s about damn time!

Jenny Slate

I’m really loving the idea of Jenny Slate being thrown into the Will & Grace mix.

She could play Grace’s constantly stoned cousin, who Grace hires as a babysitter for her daughter. Maybe we can even get Jenny to break out into her Marcel the Shell voice? But it could also be a recurring role, because the interaction between Grace and Jenny, would no doubt be hilarious.

The Cast of theReal Housewives of NYC

Congrats Karen Walker, on joining the Real Housewives franchise! I can picture her turning her apple into a makeshift bong and her opening catchphrase being something like, “I’ve got buckets of money AND a killer rack!”

Ryan Reynolds

We need some man meat on here, but funny man meat (that’s a thing right?).

In my opinion, no one can compete with the combined comedic talents and sex appeal of Ryan Reynolds (maybe Christ Pratt in a distant second place?). Ryan could play an ex-bf of Will, who is so obsessed with Will that he’ll do anything to woo him back. Including surprising him in his apartment, shirtless on a faux bearskin rug in front of a fireplace with a rose in his mouth.

That’s also what I hope to find in my living room every time I come home. I guess I’m projecting

Mariah Carey

The scenario could go like thisJack is upset, so he takes a bath. A BUBBLE BATH. He falls asleep and has a dream where Mariah Carey comes to him and tells him not to give up on his dreams.

Jack says to Mariah, “But Will says it’s time to grow up and be more of an adult!” – to which Mariah replies with “Will? I don’t know her” While bubble bath flies throughout the air, a unicorn runs in the distance, and dozens of butterflies are perched on Mariah’s throne!

I MEAN, THIS WRITES ITSELF! But, it’s just a sweet, sweet fantasy baby

Hillary Clinton

Love her or hate her (mostly love her), I about died when she appeared on Broad City and Saturday Night Live.

But here she is, with more time on her hands after not being elected. So what does she do? Decides to redecorate. Who does she hire? Grace Adler Designs.

Wrapping it up with the entire gang (Will, Grace, Karen & Jack) all pretending to be Grace’s employees (ESPECIALLY KAREN) so that they could go into the Clinton household. Jack and Karen get wasted while inside and try on her pantsuitswhile Grace is picking wallpaper samples and Will is trying out Hillary’s various skin creams.

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