
Happy Pickle Day from a Nude Matthew McConaughey

· Updated on March 23, 2023

Did you know that yesterday was National Pickle Day? Well I didn’t either. Seriously, who makes this sh*t up?

Don’t sweat it, because it doesn’t matter: what matters is that Matthew McConaughey (or a random person on Twitter who paid the $8 for verification and is now posting as Matthew McConaughey) blessed us this day by posting a picture of himself in the buff to celebrate:

Honestly, I feel like Matthew McConaughey should be an honorary Jew for this photo. I feel truly seen.

Regrettably, the image stops just short of McConaughey’s crack—a sentence I truly never thought I’d have the privilege to write—but there’s still just enough there for us to appreciate. Who hasn’t spent a hot Texas day eating cold pickles in the glow of the open fridge?

Matthew McConaughey, you’re a treasure. All we can say is: keep serving, babe. Keep being you.

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