Leave GQ Out of It

Y Tu Mamá También fans are losing their gay minds over this tweet

Have you ever seen a tweet that singlehandedly rocks your world, brings tears to your eyes, and has you clutching the nearest string of pearls you can find? Of course you have—they show up on our feeds roughly 500 times a day. When gay people talk about how exhausting it is to be gay, this is at least part of what we’re talking about. Not only do we have to consume every last piece of pop culture information disseminated on the world wide web (our duty as gays) we also have to be able to parse the truth from bold-faced lies. And let’s just say it’s not easy. We want to believe the best…yet we know that the worst is probably true.

Which brings us to today’s history lesson. A recent tweet toyed with the hearts of many by claiming that actors Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna—who costarred together in the seminal bisexual/poly 2001 film Y Tu Mamá También—actually dated during production.

Now I know what you’re thinking: probably something along the lines of “this is the best thing I ever heard” and “wow my depression has finally lifted.” But not so fast—on further investigation into these extremely titilating claims, we can find no proof. Which doesn’t mean we can’t still dream but like…come on. Don’t play with our hearts like this! Especially when it comes to a queer classic like Y Tu Mamá También, which played with our tiny bisexual hearts and dominated our tiny bisexual fantasies back in the day!

Perhaps gay journalist Louis Peitzman said it best: we have to draw the line somewhere, people.

This isn’t the first of these “GQ confirms” tweets, either. We’ve seen similar tweets from several accounts about celebrities we’ve already shipped a million times. Who hit on this formula, and why are they using it for evil?!

It’s hard to tell if this is a meme or a troll, or a troll becoming a meme, or a meme becoming meme-ier. Either way, we are confused, baffled, and feeling like our trust has been broken. But as they say at the end of Chinatown, “Forget it, Jack. It’s the Internet.”

All this GQ confirmation needs to stop…or magically become true at once.

And whoever decided to play with the Gaylors like this…all I have to say is: your bravery!

Get out of my brain, people!

People, it’s getting real wild on X: stay safe out there, protect your hearts, and use Snopes.com.

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