Julia Louis-Dreyfus shared with the world on Thursday morning that she has breast cancer. But, she also used the opportunity to advocate for anyone in the United States who has ever faced an illness.
“1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one,” Louis-Dreyfus wrote on Twitter. “The good news is that I have the most glorious group of supportive and caring family and friends, and fantastic insurance through my union. The bad news is that not all women are so lucky, so let’s fight all cancers and make universal health care a reality.”
Just when you thought… pic.twitter.com/SbtYChwiEj
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) September 28, 2017
Since her announcement, the tweet has been retweeted over 50,000 times. The multiple Emmy winner’s hopes may be closer to coming true than ever before. Fifteen Democratic members of Congress recently threw their support behind a universal health care bill. As of June, a majority of Americans also believe that it’s the federal government’s responsibility to supply its citizens with health care.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, we wish you well. Thank you for being a Comedy Queen for the people!
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