It might be dawn. It might be dusk. It doesn’t really matter. It’s these in-between moments, both ephemeral and timeless, that Spanish photographer Adrian Bernal explores in his new photo series “Amantes.”

The resulting portraits reveal a fluid, enigmatic queer intimacy that finds its expression in the transitional spaces between light and dark, strength and vulnerability.

From the photographer:

“I take as the subject of my study and work young men, who I call ‘amantes.’ In this case, all of them come from my surroundings; each of them is homosexual.

All of them are vulnerable and delicate, but with a true inner strength. To me, this is another way to see the masculinity in a man, showing a very delicate and soft erotism.

Most of my pictures happen spontaneously. A lot of the moments that I capture possess a strong complicity between the model and myself. This is what allows me to create such an intimate atmosphere.”

Riccardo Milanesse
Luca Guarini
Kito Muñoz
Jorge Garcia
Tyler Wright
Marcos Del Río
Kai Landre
Jacobo Solis
Jorge Turel
Luis Mba