Not all heroes wear capes.
Men’s rights activists yeah, yeah, I know have not been very happy about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Something about too many women and people of color actually speaking and making decisions. Apparently, one of these activists took a long hard look at their “Be the Change You Want to See in the World” mug and decided to do something about it.
As Pedestrian first pointed out, one MRA decided to make a 46-minute cut of the film sans any women making decisions. The result is The Last Jedi: De-Feminized Fanedit, uploaded to file-sharing site Pirate Bay over the weekend. In a screenshot of the description, the person behind the film who, SHOCKER, decided to remain anonymous said they cut all of Laura Dern’s plot, as well as the moment when Carrie Fisher’s Leia demotes Oscar Isaac’s Poe.
What else was cut?
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- “Cut out most shots showing female fighters/pilots and female officers commanding people around/having ideas.“
- “NO HALDO! She simply doesn’t exist. Her whole subplot doesn’t exist. The Kamikaze is carried out by Poe. ( = Poe dies.)“
- “Leia never scolds, questions nor demotes Poe. He is a respected and very skilled high-ranking member of the resistance.“
- “When there’s a scene where a woman is cut in making some important statement that can be substituted by another statement by a guy, then she gets cut out. Works pretty well actually.“
- “Wookie eats the Porg, or at least isn’t interrupted in trying to do so.“
- “No green milk.” (What the fuck)
- Other edits include “no superpowered Rey,” “Kylo is much more badass” and “Asian chick speaks less.”
Wow, so many salty male tears.
Twitter gave the edit the roasting it deserves.
I literally can’t stop laughing at this MRA edit of The Last Jedi.
— Splenda Papi (@coucouaaron) January 16, 2018
Let’s be honest, the MRA neckbeard that made an edit of The Last Jedi without all the women was just trying to mirror his own womanless life.
— Ron Swanson (@RevRonster) January 16, 2018
It is impossible not to look at “MRA Star Wars” and not turn your nearest male friend to say, “come get your boys.” While sobbing with laughter.
— The Love Hater (@taterpie) January 15, 2018
“Nice Guys” finish editing last
— Peter Marino (@nycitywonk) January 15, 2018
Does the 46 minute MRA Last Jedi cut edit out Poe hugging BB8 because feelings aren’t alpha? I must know.
— Megan Want Kenobi (@themeganpurdy) January 15, 2018
The MRAs who edited all the “feminism” out of LAST JEDI have reached a new and previously unknown level of Mad Online™. We might actually be seeing Mad Online™ Nirvana here.
— Scott Wampler™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) January 15, 2018
MRA’s: We’re not sexist, we want equality. That’s were removing all the women from Star Wars, Star Trek, Little Women, Jackie Brown, Frances Ha, Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman, Terminator, every Porno, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Educating Rita…
— Jonathan Eilbeck (@JonathanEilbeck) January 15, 2018
— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) January 15, 2018
Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been plagued by male opinions since it first opened. Despite positive critical reviews, its user score on review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes has been extremely low, requiring Rotten Tomatoes to make a statement about the score.