Michelle Tea Gets The Tea From…San Cha

Los Angeles-based musician San Cha’s powerful voice explodes above drums and the mournful chants of back-up singers – powerful, occasionally operatic, full of drama and story. She makes music that fuses ranchera and pop, with a sharp edge of punk and live shows that verge on performance art. A proud femme who counts Selena as a vocal inspiration and whose work is thick with Catholic imagery, she drops her new album, Capricho del Diablo, July 13th. Check out some choice tracks here, and get personal with these 15 questions, below.

What is the most uncanny thing that you have ever experienced?

My Sister-Friend being shot in the lung while on tour in Puerto Rico, just hours before our flights back to Miami.

What is in your bag right now?

My EBT card.

Please share the 15th picture on your cell phone.

How are you like or not like your sun sign?

I’m very Libra, all about balance and fairness, especially because my Mars is also in Libra.

What is the last book you read?

Alice Bag’s Violence Girl.

What was the last meal you cooked?

Jackfruit tacos with homemade guacamole salsa and arroz the way mi madre taught me.

Where would you like to go on vacation right now?

I want to go visit my aunt at the family farm in a town called Jalos, in Jalisco, Mexico.

Tell me about getting to meet someone you idolize or admire.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet many people I idolize and admire and it’s different every time. It usually turns into a reciprocal admiration and turns into a friendship or collaboration.

What are you like when you’re sick?

Can’t take care of myself. Always want to be babied, or I can’t get out of bed.

What are you obsessed with or inspired by right now?

Toto la Momposina. Water themes and water imagery. Cool colors.

What are you upset about right now?

A personal relationship and living situation that has turned into a very disgusting power dynamic.

What is the most recent dream you remember?

Me in a house surrounded by water, eternal water. I swim to the deepest levels and am able to swim all the way back up.

Who is your queer ancestor?

Chavela Vargas.

What is your dream project?

Making a telenovela.

What are you doing this weekend?

Performing and celebrating my album release.

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