Former reality show contestant and full-time Joanne the Scammer devotee Omarosa Manigualt is set to resign from her post as director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison, Politico reports. Manigualt Newman will reportedly leave her position on Jan. 20, the one year anniversary of Michelle Obama’s epic shade at the Trump inauguration.

New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor tweeted on Wednesday that Omarosa was fired on Tuesday and escorted off the premises by White House security.

April Ryan, who Omarosa reportedly physically intimidated during her time in the White House, wrote on Twitter that there were reports that Omarosa did not go quietly into that good night.

During Omarosa’s time in the White House, she pulled quite a few scams. She reportedly brought members of her 39-person bridal party to the White House for an impromptu, unauthorized photo shoot. She littered the White House floor with her stray shoes. She began to sign her name as the “Honorable Omarosa Manigault.”

Omarosa is no stranger to being kicked out, though. Just check out this vintage interview of her on the Wendy Williams Show, where WIlliams kicks her out for mouthing off.

Expect Omarosa to pop up unexpectedly somewhere in a few years. As we all know,