It’s easy to tear into Donald Trump with whatever atrocity he’s committed that day. But internet sensation, Randy Rainbow makes it into an art form. The more utter bullshit Trump spouts off, the more inspiration Randy Rainbow finds for a new catchy parody track.

His latest is entitled “He’s All About His Base” and it utilizes some Meghan Trainor foot-tappers to say what we’re all thinking about Trump right about now.

“I know it’s hard to fathom but he’s still got lots of fans. If you aint never seen one, connect the dots. Because they’re mostly white supremacists and Russian Twitter bots.”

As the first year of Trump’s presidency raps up with the bleakest of attitudes toward the White House, Randy Rainbow’s witty and catchy tracks are just what they doctor ordered. He even found a fan in Hillary Clinton. And since she won the popular vote, it’s safe to say more than half of Americans will love him too.

“My primary goal is to take this horrendous stuff that’s happeningthis aggravating, frustrating, day-to-day messand make people laugh,” he recently told Mother Jones. “Comedy is a great unifier. I hear from people every day from both sides saying, ‘We don’t have the same beliefs, and, you know, I hate gay people and I hate white people and I hate black people and I’m an awful personbut I laughed at your video!’”

Watch Randy Rainbow’s video for “He’s All About His Base” below: