Further photographic evidence has emerged that appears to confirm my long-held theory that Frank Ocean would look very good in an all sparkly clothing wardrobe.
The photo in question is the cover of the new issue of 032c, a Berlin-based magazine I had not heard of until today, so I guess they knew what they were doing when they picked Ocean as their cover star.
The image shows Frank standing in front of a lavish suburban home, it’s more ostentatious features, like the balcony over the front door, contrasting with the overgrown lawn on which the musician stands.
“Exile on Main Street,” the cover reads. “Wow, he looks so good,” I say to the cat I’m cat-sitting.
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The cover was shot by photographer Petra Collins, per The FADER, while longtime Rihanna fave Mel Ottenberg did the styling, and production designer Lauren Nikrooz handled the set.
According to Ottenberg’s Instagram post about the cover, Frank’s sequined shorts is Commes des Garçons. First, he wore those $4,000 crystal-net Gucci leggings at his 30th birthday ball, now he’s wearing this aquamarine dream? Please tell us this means that from now on he’s only gonna wear clothes that sparkle, Neely! Sparkle!