Tyra Banks Is Talking About Harvard Business School Because Time Is A Flat Circle

· Updated on May 28, 2018

The world we call home is ever-changing, in a constant state of flux. One day, Pluto’s a planet, and then the next day it’s not. One day, running is good for you, and then the next day it’s not. One day, you’re convinced that Courtney Love once claimed to have hexed Billy Corgan to make his hair fall out, and the next your good friend Google can’t find any definitive proof. It’s the Berenstein/Berenstain Bears all over again!!

But if there’s anything we can depend on in this crazy mixed-up place, it’s that Tyra Banks, who took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago, will always want to talk about how she took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago.

The Victoria’s Secret supermodel-turned-reality TV institution keeps this hallowed tradition alive in a new interview with Vulture, published Thursday morning.

The interview, conducted by journalist Maria Elena Fernandez, covers a lot of ground, ranging from sexual harassment in the workplace to why Tyra decided to return to hosting America’s Next Top Model. The interview wasn’t necessarily gonna touch on how Tyra Banks, who took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago, took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago. But Tyra Banks, who took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago, had other plans. Such as talking about how she took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago.

“The announcement [that Rita Ora would take over as host of ANTM] wasn’t received as well as I would have liked it to be,” Banks said when asked why she came back to the show. “It made me think about the time I spent at Harvard Business School and one of my favorite classes with my marketing professor. His name is Rohit Deshpande. One of the things I learned from him was, ‘Your brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.’ I realized I stepped away from this legacy that I’m trying to create too soon.”

It’s understandable why Tyra would keep up this media strategy long after she received her certificate of completion from Harvard Business School’s Owner/President Management Program in 2012. Most people think models aren’t smart, which is neither universally true nor true in Banks’ case. It’s probably also a tactic to ease potential business partners’ nerves, to remind them, indirectly, that they can trust Tyra Banks the businesswoman and, thus, Tyra Banks the brand.

At the same timewe get it! Tyra Banks took classes at Harvard Business School a couple years ago! We knew this in 2011, in 2012, in 2013, in 2014, in 2015, in 2016, and in 2017, and we still know this going into 2018! There are so many things we don’t know about the world around us or what our futures will look like going forward. But the fact that Tyra Banks took classes at Harvard Business School in 2012? That, we shall never forget.

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