10 Reasons to Sign Up for the AIDS/Lifecycle Ride

· Updated on May 28, 2018

Every year, thousands of cyclists unite to bike the epic journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles. They’re all united with the same purpose: to raise millions of dollars for HIV-related health services at the Los Angeles LGBT Center and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. The event happens every year in June and, if you’re reading this, you’re in luck there’s still time to sign up!

If raising money for these organizations isn’t enough of a draw as is, here are ten more reasons to sign up for the AIDS/LifeCycle.

1. End Stigma

HIV stigma is still a reality for the millions around the world living with HIV. By participating in AIDS/LifeCycle, you can help start conversations about the virus in your communities, hopefully leading to some lessons about what is myth and what is reality when it comes to HIV.

2. Get to see California!

Sure, you’ve seen California inside the air-conditioned walls of a car, but you’ve never seen it like this before! On this bike trip, you’ll wind through wineries, bike through strawberry farms and pedal through quaint towns. There’s no better way to see the Golden State.

3. Have fun fundraising.

There’s still plenty of time to fundraise once you sign up. When you do, a Cycle Rep will be assigned to you and the both of you can fundraise fun ways to get your friends and loved ones involved in raising money. There are plenty of opportunities for socializing and fun during the process.

4. Get in some exercise!

No matter what size you want your body to be, AIDS/LifeCycle can definitely help you get back on the exercise bandwagon. And hey, you’ll be healthy just in time for summer!

5. You’ll be a hero to people living with HIV.

The money you raise will go directly to services helping people living with HIV. You may not realize it, but your fundraising efforts will directly impact the health of an HIV-positive person.

6. Lifetime bragging rights!

Not everyone has ridden 545 miles. But, if you participate, you’ll have a great icebreaker for when you first meet people.

7. Lots of laughter!

AIDS/LifeCycle is a serious event, but there’s plenty of laughter to be had. Friendships will form and you can also check out photos from the 5th day of the ride, also known as Red Dress Day, for evidence that riders know how to have a good time.

8. You’ll get lots of help along the way.

Biking might seem like a solitary activity, but you’ll have plenty of help and support along the way. During the day, there are four rest stops and a lunch stop. And, along the way, there’s dancing, cookies and an endless supply of Otter Pops! When you ride through Santa Barbara, prepare for residents to greet you with ice cream and shoulder rubs.

9. Lifetime friends.

Though the ride takes place in California, people from all over the United States and other countries participate in the annual race. Now’s not only the time to raise money for a good cause but to make lasting connections.

10. Up your Instagram game.

There’s never gonna be an opportunity for a great selfie like AIDS/LifeCycle. Tell your friends and followers that you care and do it against the backdrop of one of the California’s most beautiful routes.

*****Sign up for ALC here*****

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