Kiss My Astro: Your August Horoscope

· Updated on May 29, 2018

This month will be a wild ride, but probably in the best of ways. You haven’t had the easiest time lately now is the time to take that gaycation, start a new romance, or, at the very least, invite more playfulness and flirtation into your days. You’re undergoing a renewal and transformation in your ability to give and receive love don’t expect yourself or your future partners to look like any past experiences.


If you could attract lovers by being the most reliable, competent, responsible guy around, you’d be swimming in options. And hey some of you might already be working that kind of charm to good effect! But the same skills that make you a great long term mate could also make you hard to get to know. This month, you’re invited to relax and unwind a little more turn the phone on mute, shut your computer, and focus on that guy who’s been trying to get your attention. You may feel a little vulnerable, but that means you’re doing it right.


We always want the next shiny thing. This month, don’t get too caught up longing for whoever is most unavailable. You need a lot of stimulation and discovery to stay happy, but that doesn’t mean always dropping what you’ve got to chase whatever you don’t yet have. Whether or not it’s time for a new lover, it’s definitely time for a new perspective. Look for what you might have overlooked. Your next new adventure might begin much closer to home!


With Venus moving into your sign this month, you won’t have to wear any body glitter you’ll still be the sparkliest queer in any crowd. While your glamour is on point, don’t expect it to solve all your problems. Watch out for a tendency to use sex as a way to win (or at least end) an argument. You deserve connections that appreciate your full depth. Call in love that can feel a little calmer right now, without being downright boring.


This month is hella fierce with Leo energy, and you’re either lapping it all up or wondering why it doesn’t feel as good as it should. The eclipse in your sign on the 21st is your time for major reinvention you’re ready for big changes in yourself and how you look for love. Remember: what makes you irresistible isn’t muscles or surface appeal, it’s your sincerity, creativity, and deep loyalty. Don’t get it twisted. Claim your real magic this month, and let your life change.


You can be really good at playing along with someone else’s fantasies but what about your own? This month is all about getting in touch with those mysterious forces that make you want to sing and gasp and moan. You may not be able to put all your new discoveries into words just yet much less act out the more appealing ones but make an effort to focus inwards right now instead of trying too hard to be what someone else might want.


This month will be a wild ride, but probably in the best of ways. You haven’t had the easiest time lately now is the time to take that gaycation, start a new romance, or, at the very least, invite more playfulness and flirtation into your days. You’re undergoing a renewal and transformation in your ability to give and receive love don’t expect yourself or your future partners to look like any past experiences.


Repeat after me: “No one partner is ever going to complete me, solve all my problems, and make the loneliness go away.” This month, it’s time to look at all the ways your larger community supports you even if they’re sometimes complicated or even downright dramatic. Take some time this month to celebrate all your connections. There is a way we can belong to one another that goes beyond who’s coupled off with whom, and that’s beautiful. Partnership can be part of that, but don’t expect it to be your whole world.


If you’ve been licking your wounds lately and are committed to staying at home in fuzzy slippers binge-watching Netflix, the stars are asking you to kindly take a shower, do some grooming, and remember that you’re a total badass. The last few months have been emotional August gets to be passionate. Best of all, you’ll get to be in charge right now. So get off the couch, find your self-confidence, and explore!


Don’t overthink it this month. You don’t need to analyze every interaction or get ten friends’ opinions on what his emoticons really mean. This month is gearing up to be full of unexpected encounters and adventures, so don’t waste time on anything that doesn’t feel like a clear “yes.” Trust your gut and other parts of your body. You’ll know what feels right.


You might not feel insecure because you’re probably doing a great job being in control of all the things that might trigger your insecurity. Sorry honey, but this month wants you to let your life get a little messier. Risk doing something exciting and a little outside your comfort zone. It might not feel fun at first, but it will with a little practice!


This can be a hella sweet time, but you’re also letting go of a lot. Mostly, it’s time to let go of your tendency to hide your real feelings and desires what happens when you stop keeping so many secrets? Who are you trying to show up for right now, and what does that look like? You can take it slowly, but don’t be afraid to take a stand. The first step of getting what you want is saying you want it.

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