Another Pride season is upon us, and the brands have been, as usual, swift and merciless in their attention. We’ve got rainbow Uggs, rainbow sheet sets from Target, and a whole lot of corporate cheer. 

Let’s start at the very beginning: 

Most of us are going to be amping up the gayness in our work this month:

While others are simply going to double-down on practicing the fine art of bitchery. 

Some of us are sincerely grateful to have a whole month’s worth of uplifting queer voices:

Others of us are simply exhausted and pissed off. 

Lil Nas X kept it financial:

Billy Eichner broke down what Pride is REALLY about: 

We underwent our June 1 transformations: 

We exercised our American right to rebel: 

And we remembered this enduring classic:

But the real moral of the story is: HIRE TRANS JOURNALISTS.

And let’s not forget the one thing that truly unites us: not queerness, but the immutable fact of being tired.

And writing gay shit anyway. 

Through it all, we remembered who this month is truly about: 

Yours in Exhaustion,

The Gay Internet ♥