Being unemployed doesn’t mean you aren’t busy getting your hustle on. Remember that life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and when you “eat your frog” or do the thing you dread the most, first thing in the morning, the rest of the day is smooth sailing. Here are a few things I’ve learned in the down times (and trust me…we’ve all been there):

1. Wake up and slay

First thing in the morning, looking for a job is your job, and this is the time where you research the companies you think you would be interested in working with. If you aren’t getting any bites, redo your resume on a different template. Apply for jobs and reach out to your network via Linkedin and e-mails. Don’t rule out temp agencies or volunteering. Remember that your network is your net worth.


The worst response you will get is a “no,” and when that happens just move on to the next. Ask your friends or network for informational meetings about their field/profession and company. Pick their brain. People want to help you. Hell, the universe is cheering for you and you should cheer for yourself, too. Everyone loves a happy ending and the feeling that they made a difference in your story/life. But sorry gurl, a closed mouth doesn’t get fed, and most people don’t read minds. So speak up and ask for whatever you need.

3. Have an attitude of gratitude

Fantasize about that dream job with that dream company. What will you be wearing? How will your co-workers interact with you? What kind of car will you drive? What comfortable living arrangements will this afford you? See you, as your future self. Don’t think or dwell on past mistakes or failures. Instead, remember all of your successes. Write them down so you don’t forget and read it daily. The second a negative thought comes to mind redirect that thought and think about all the good things coming into your life. C’mon, you have access to clean water and the internet to find that dream job. Priorities, people!

4. Meditation keeps you off the medication

Now is the time for a different kind of work: inner work. It’s a proven fact that 1 hour of meditation is equal to 7 hours of mental/physical work. Find a quiet spot in your pad, sit or lay down, and get clear. Use some background music if it helps. And don’t worry about quieting the mind, over time, with practice you will become a master jedi.

5. End your day with a lewk

Make sure you’re alone when you do this, so no one thinks you’ve lost your mind. Look into a mirror and appreciate yourself for everything you accomplished for the day: “Hello (insert name here), you handsome stud. Today was an awesome day, you woke up, and you slayed!” Say all of the good things you did that day like eating healthy, staying within your budget, helping someone in need, applying for 20 jobs, etc. Then tell yourself about tomorrow and what you want to accomplish.

Need some work/life advice with plenty of real talk mixed in? Pop a question on our kween Millie Naire at [email protected].