Apple has a released a new iPhone X commercial featuring scenes from some of Australia’s first same-sex weddingsa sentence that will either make you go “aw” or seethe with every fiber of your being.

The ad, which CNET describes as “a moving celebration of marriage equality,” was tailor-made for the Australian market as Australia only recently legalized same-sex marriage. The minute-long spot features a handful of same-sex couples celebrating their unions with a first dance as a couple. It is appropriately titled “first dance” and features Courtney Barnett’s cover of INXS’s “Never Tear Us Apart.” Check it out below.

Perhaps you feel deeply Sarah Schulman about Apple’s whole using gay and lesbian couples’ joy to sell smartphones thing. Schulman, a brilliant lesbian playwright and author you should know if you somehow don’t already, broke down what she believes to be the true meaning of such LGBTQ-inclusive imagery in 1998’s Stagestruck, her devastating 151-page read of Jonathan Larson’s RENT and the theater world that supported it.

“[LGBTQ representation in mainstream imagery] does not mean that we are full human beings whose lives can now be truthfully represented among the selection of lives that make up the American experience,”she writes. “What it really means is thatmarketing and commodification of our experiences has now made it safe for us to be represented and have that fact reinforce the superiority of heterosexuality.”

Or perhaps you feel deeply whatever about it and would like to go on with your day.

Never in my wildest dreams did I plan to spend more than an hour of my Monday trying to get people mad at a phone commercial, soooooooooo I bid you good day!