David Hockney is a British national treasure. As an out-gay artist, he’s been making work since the 1950s centering queer love and lush, brightly-colored interiors. And dachshunds

So imagine the British public’s surprise when Hockney—who was recently commissioned to do original public artworks for the British Rail—unveiled a less-than-inspiring piece on Tuesday as part of London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s #LetsDoLondon campaign. 

It’s a lot more Cy Twombly than David Hockney, and the work left viewers feeling uninspired. Some even speculated that the legendary artist simply slept on his deadline.

While others felt that they—and their small children— could have done a better job.

Others pointed out that some less famous artists could have really used this commission.

The unfairness of it all!

David, that u??

Here’s hoping more public art gets the Hockney treatment: