In only five short seasons, the Canadian comedy series Schitt’s Creek managed to win the hearts of viewers across the globe. Even after it ended, the show experienced a resurgence in popularity on streaming services, and now according to a producer, a reunion of the Rose family is only a matter of “timing.”
Schitt’s Creek follows the fish-out-of-water hijinks of a formerly wealthy family forced to live in the rural town they once purchased as a joke. After a shady business manager leaves his company bankrupt, Johnny (Eugene Levy), his wife Moira (Catherine O’Hara) and their two spoiled adult children, Alexis (Annie Murphy) and David (Dan Levy), move into a cramped motel in the aptly named Schitt’s Creek.
The series earned accolades not only for its hilarious writing but its depiction of LGBTQ+ storylines. From the very first season, David is openly pansexual, and over the series, he meets and marries his business partner Patrick (Noah Reid). Among the minor characters, there’s the hunky polyamorous local Jake (Steve Lund) and queer council member Ronnie Lee (Karen Robinson).
Portraying these small-town queer characters without a trace of homophobia won the series two GLAAD awards along with its enduring LGBTQ+ fanbase. You could also argue the series accomplished an even greater feat: teaching men how to dress.
Almost as soon as Schitt’s Creek ended, the calls for some form of continuation, whether through movies or a reboot, became deafening. The creators and cast have repeatedly welcomed the prospect of return, going so far as to float the idea of a prequel featuring everyone’s favorite wig-wearing, washed-up actress.
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By now, it seems the only thing stopping a Schitt’s Creek reboot is the question of when and where. In an interview with The Messenger, producer Andrew Barnsley shared his optimism that a new project would eventually see light, even as he acknowledged some worry over what a return would mean for the original series’ legacy.
“It’s something that we know there’s demand and interest for it, really,” he said. “It’s something that I know Dan and Eugene [Levy] are considering all the time, and I think it’s going to be a timing thing.”
While any Schitt’s Creek continuation would still be far away, given that it’s nowhere near the production stage, the odds continue to look up. If everyone’s on board and timing is the only obstacle, what else is there left to do but wait?