More Tea

Angelica Ross spills more tea, alleging transphobic behavior from ‘AHS’ co-star Emma Roberts

Angelica Ross came back with more tea and it’s even more boiling than before.

After disclosing that American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy ghosted her after she pitched an all-Black women AHS season, Ross took to Instagram Live to spill more tea from the Ryan Murphy-verse. This time, she gave her story on her work experience with a fellow AHS alum. 

Ross had already sent out a cryptic post on X that stated that she was going to give the “full tea,” but fans didn’t expect it to be this bad. On Instagram Live, Ross discussed her experience working with a particular actress who misgendered Ross to her face. 

The actress in question? Emma Roberts.

In her livestream, Ross recounted how Roberts jokingly mentioned to an employee on set (the two starred in AHS: 1984 together) that Ross was being mean to her. That said employee responded with, “Okay, ladies. That’s enough. Let’s get back to work.” To which Roberts replied, “Don’t you mean lady?”

Ross discussed how the incident infuriated her, but mentioned in the livestream that if she said something about the incident, she would face repercussions. 

“My blood is boiling because I’m like, if I say something, it’s gonna be me that’s the problem,” she said. “I know this because there was someone who spoke up about what she was doing, and they got repercussions from it.”

Ross further elaborated stating that someone had called Roberts out for her behavior and faced consequences instead of her. Ross also disclosed how Roberts would play “mind games” on set, creating a hostile environment.

Ultimately, Ross refrained from engaging with Roberts any further, something that the 32-year-old actress noticed. 

“I was just like, ‘I’m done,’” Ross continued. “We had scenes together, and I never spoke to her. She said to me, she could feel the energy coming off of me. She was like, ‘Are you OK? You haven’t been talking.’ I’m like, ‘Mmhmm.’”

Additionally, Ross disclosed another incident where Roberts “copied” Ross’ voice, causing the Pose actress to be self conscious about her voice while on set. 

“The funniest part? We’re all sitting around & I’m copying Cody’s accent. Didn’t know he had one. Emma then copies my voice & laugh and drops it several octaves,” she added. “I was shook. She read me for blood with my own words. Of course I was self conscious about my voice on set after that.”

The internet was set ablaze by the allegations, with fans coming to Ross’ defense. 

In an interesting turn of events, Ross posted on X that Roberts had apologized to her. 

“Thank you @RobertsEmma for calling and apologizing, recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally,” Ross wrote. “I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform.”

Now, the next question is, what other skeletons are buried in the AHS closet?

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