Guy on Guy

Apparently Pete Davidson Has Sex with a Dude on “Bupkis”

Pete Davidson is taking his big d*ck energy in another direction on his new semi-autobiographical series “Bupkis.”

The self-declared King of Staten Island plays a version of himself on the show, as always, but with a kooky twist: in this alternate reality, Pete Davidson is taking a bit of a break from show business and staying with his mom (the always-brilliant Edie Falco) in New York’s southernmost borough to relax, unwind, and obsessively Google himself. There’s lots of weed, lots of hijinx, and lots of BDE.

But it’s not all freewheeling comic fun: the show gets quite hilariously dark, quite quickly. In “Bupkis’s” opening shot, Davidson accidentally comes on Falco’s chest after she busts in on his masturbation session. Is it funny? Of course. Is it a little too close to the opening of Lee Daniels’ The Paperboy for comfort? Probably. And that’s not the only thing “Bupkis” has in common with that camp classic. Because there’s gay sex. Technically. There is technically a very gay sex scene, and please notice that I’m using the word “technically” here. It’s all very technical.

Near the show’s end, Pete tries to do his grandfather a favor by hiring a sex worker to give him a last thrill after learning of his cancer diagnosis. Davidson’s grandfather (played by the legendary Joe Pesci) is shockingly uninterested in this arrangement, but luckily he’s brought his friend along, who is extremely interested. The friend in question, played by “Everybody Loves Raymond” zaddy-in-chief Brad Garrett, ends up having a little trouble once his hips start failing him. Enter Davidson, as the pinch hitter, helping Garrett reach climax while talking about how “f*cking huge” he is. “This is how you f*ck?” Garrett says to Davidson, encouraging him to “put a little juice” in it.

I mean, look how happy they are.

Sure, it’s meant to be funny, and it is. But is it not also…just a little bit horny? Maybe I’m sick in the head (I absolutely am) but there’s something weirdly wholesome and sweet about this devil’s threesome. Call me crazy, but there’s something kind of sweet about a younger guy helping an older guy get off.

Maybe it’s the fact that my expectations for “Bupkis” could not have been lower. Maybe it’s that this is the rare sex scene that isn’t pretty, or slick. Maybe it’s that this is probably the closest we’ll ever come to see Pete Davidson in an actual gay sex scene. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.

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