Trans Nation

What Can We Expect From Elliot Page’s Oprah Interview?

· Updated on May 2, 2021

Elliot Page is about to sit down with Oprah for an interview, and let’s be honest: we’ll probably all end up crying.

Page’s conscious decision to come out and speak out amidst violent transphobia places him at the forefront of the fight for trans equality. In his willingness to not only be himself, but to open himself up as a target for hate, we are once again reminded that living blissfully unaware, as if everyday life is a guarantee, is explicitly a cisgender practice of being. 

Page will be sitting across from Oprah and in that distinct connection, he will be given one of the largest platforms ever made available to an out-trans actor in TV history.  The prerecorded chat between Oprah and Page, will stream on Apple TV this Friday, April 30th.

The topics of conversation will include Page’s own struggles with coming out as well as the anti-trans bills becoming prominent within legislations among states in the US. Page also shared that he is working on a screenplay, via an exclusive clip from Vanity Fair


As a white trans man with considerable cultural influence, Page recognizes the inability to solely have concern for himself, “These bills are going to be responsible for the death of children. It is that simple. So [talking to Oprah] felt like an opportunity to use a wide-reaching platform to speak from my heart about some of my experience and the resources I’ve been able to access – whether therapy or surgery – that have allowed me to be alive, to live my life.” Through his perseverance and vulnerability, Page is able to utilize the very industry he once feared would ostracize him for his true self. 

In doing so, he sets himself free and it is through his own personal freedom that he can commit to helping others that are less fortunate. In the dynamic of freeing oneself to free others, we find Elliot recognizes the value of his own life as well as the value of other people’s lives- both of which become infinitely more valuable when intimately intertwined.

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