George Santos is truly a class act—and by that I mean that he’s possibly the least classy person on Earth, though the rest of the Republican party certainly provides some stiff competition.
After denying his drag queen past and making a seriously funny 9/11 blunder, the New York congressman continued his streak of Ls by dropping a husband reveal…smack in the middle of a tweet about Senator Dianne Feinstein’s death.
It’s…certainly a move! Definitely a decision that one could make. And leave it to Santos to make it.
Husband Matt? Since when? The people are calling the utterly tasteless announcement everything from “slay” behavior to “absolutely “c*nt.” But not c*nt in the good way.
RelatedSantos has claimed 9/11 was responsible for his mom’s death.
It’s an interesting play in Santos’s ever more desperate bid for queer acceptance…despite having thrown his own community under the bus several times over in recent months.
It’s not out of line with the rest of Santos’s strange moves, and it’s causing the people to ask some hard questions. Namely, when the hell did this happen, and what kind of primordial ooze would take a chance on calling George Santos hubby? It’s anyone’s guess.
The fact that some perfectly lovely people are single and Santos isn’t? Baffling, to say the least.
Did they meet on a new app for gay Republicans called Log4Log?
We just have one question left: who the hell is this Matt person?