Nine gay men have been arrested in Egypt after being accused of engaging in “debauchery” by authorities, who claimed their behavior threatened public safety.

The Dekheila Prosecution in Alexandria apprehended the individuals in a Monday raid, which was originally reported by the Egypt Independent. Police claim the detainees had rented an apartment which was being used to “host group sex parties.”

Local informants in Alexandria gave law enforcement information which led them to the residence, which was allegedly located in the neighborhood of Hanoville.

Sources claimed several “weird” men had been frequenting the location.

The Independent reports the men undertook strict security measures to ensure their safety, “fearing police repercussions” in a nation where LGBTQ people have been under strict scrutiny in recent months. Arrestees would not allow strangers on the property and used a code word to gain entry into the apartment.

Initial reports claimed the hookup spot had been receiving “customers,” so it’s unclear if the property was being used as a brothel.

This week’s sting operation, which was confirmed by the Head of the Alexandria Security Directorate Mustafa al-Nimr, is the most recent attack on Egypt’s LGBTQ community since the wave of arrests following a Mashrou’ Leila concert in September. More than 70 people were apprehended in the anti-gay crackdown.

Although there’s no explicit prohibition of homosexuality in the country’s civil codes, those individuals were detained under the same outdated 1961 law on “debauchery” cited in the Alexandria arrests.

That law is vague enough to be applied to any behavior the Egyptian government doesn’t like but is often used to criminalize same-sex activity.

INTO previously reported in November that at least 60 legislatorshad signed onto a bill which would strengthen that law by targeting virtually any form of pro-gay advocacy. It mandates strict punishments for any venue caught hosting LGBTQ events or media outlets viewed as “promoting” homosexuality through positive coverage of the community.