Over 5,000 people have signed a recent petition for the Government of Jamaica that would ban American pastor, Steven Anderson. He’s already been banned from such countries as Canada, UK, Botswana, and South Africa. The pastor of Faithful World Baptist Church in Phoenix is scheduled to arrive in Jamaica on January 29.

In case you aren’t familiar with Pastor Anderson’s work, he’s made a name for himself by inspiring hatred in the hearts of good old God-fearing “Christians,” mostly spewing his homophobic beliefs during ignorant rants. His classics include a 2014 sermon in which he called for executing gay people by stoning and most recently, referring to George Michael as a “God-hating sodomite reprobate” and claiming he’s “burning in hell right now.”

Back in 2016, he also celebrated the Pulse nightclub massacre that left 49 dead. “The good news is there are 50 less pedophiles in this world,” he said in a video. “Because these homosexuals are a bunch of disgusting perverts and pedophiles. That’s who was the victim here a bunch of just disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar.”

On a mission trip to Africa in 2016, he was banned from entering South Africa, labeled as an “undesirable” person. The country has laws that exclude “foreigners likely to promote hate speech or advocate violence.” Regardless, he’s funding the opening of a Baptist church in Cape Town, in collaboration with local, Reverend Oscar Bougardt.

The petition to ban Pastor Anderson from his upcoming trip to Jamiaca is seeking 7,500 signatures, having recently surpassed 5,000.

“He approves of terrorism, the action that the Government of Jamaica condemned in response to the Orlando Massacre,” it reads. “By calling for the killing of gay people, Pastor Andersons’ messages are homophobic and condone violence against fellow human beings and a group that is already marginalized. We the people, are asking the Jamaican Government to show leadership and stand as an example to fellow Caribbean countries to denounce terrorism and violence against marginalized groups.”