Not today, says the Church of Satan.

Earlier this week, news broke that Jeff Mateer, a potential federal judicial appointee, espoused some serious anti-trans rhetoric in a 2015 speech called “The Church and Homosexuality.”

During the speech, while discussing a Colorado lawsuit for the rights of a young trans child to use the restroom that matches their gender identity, Mateer said that trans children are a sign that “Satan’s plan is working.”

However, the Church of Satan begs to differ.

“Satan does have a plan, but has nothing to do with children and bathrooms,” the Church of Satan said in an email to INTO and in a tweet addressing Mateer.

In a follow-up tweet, the church wrote that the U.S. should “Keep religion out of matters of law & order” also known as separation of church and state, something that’s kinda sorta baked into the U.S. Constitution.

The Church of Satan also pointed INTO to its FAQ on gender and sexuality, in which it states that the church “fully [accepts] all forms of human sexual expression between consenting adults,” and says the church has accepted transgender people since its founding in 1966.

Church of Satan, you’re doing amazing, sweetie.