The Wrong Stuff

People are Noticing Something Very Queer About This Conservative Dating App

Recently, the Peter Thiel-backed conservative dating app “The Right Stuff” launched to…well, not exactly applause. Although the site—launched by former Trump staffers—promises to connect conservative heterosexuals with likeminded partners, there’s something distinctly missing from the app, and users are already getting pretty pissed about it.

Strange, seeing as the app rollout featured “conservative young women” talking about the kind of men they want to date:

Wait a minute…no women? Isn’t that kind of…you know…gay?

The answer is yes, yes it is. It’s very gay to design an app for conservative men to meet invisible women “without pronouns.” The problem is, when you don’t have pronouns, you also don’t have an identity. Which might be just one small part of The Right Stuff’s big issue.

Some weird “Alabama” stuff is definitely going on.

It didn’t take long for users of The Right Stuff to start blaming Democrats for the app’s failure.

But the best criticism by far has to be the one that claims The Right Stuff is a “socialist” scam in Right Wing clothing.

Dating app for fascists or January 6th discovery scheme: you decide!

Some new users of the conservative dating app ‘The Right Stuff’ claim that the FBI contacted them based on their answers to the profile question: “Jan 6 was _______________”

— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) October 5, 2022

Either way, we’re well and truly entertained.

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