Everyone’s Favorite Gay Daddy Dating Game, ‘Dream Daddy,’ Is Coming to PS4 And Steam

If you didn’t think the dads could get dreamier, you’d be wrong. The gay dating simulator and internet sensation Dream Daddy has returned with it’s “Dadrector’s Cut” of the game. According to the game developers, the new version will include some cut (pun intended?) content, new side quests, and a whole new mini-game. The new cut of the game will be coming to PS4 and Steam for the first time and will be available as a free update for PC users who already owned it.

For those who’ve never heard of Dream Daddy, you play as a literal father who meets and flirts with other literal fathers. Each dad fulfills a different archetype fantasy like jock dad, goth dad, artsy dad, etc. Who you decide to romance in the game will dictate how the story progresses and even how the game ends.

The original game was pretty popular among queer folks and straight women online for its representation (the game also included a trans dad) and also because it has become a mainstream trend in the last few years to fawn over older men, the type you might affectionately call “dad.” The game garnered a ton of fan art after its release and overall had a sizable following.

Some critics thought the game didn’t speak true to the gay male experience and was more of a voyeuristic fantasy. In an article for Mic, writer Tim Mulkerin talked about how the game never explicitly uses the word “gay.”

“As a gay man, I found Dream Daddy’s lack of explicitly queer language incredibly frustrating,” Mulkerin wrote. “On the one hand, I’m thrilled that a game with queerness running through its veins is enjoying so much popularity, but Dream Daddy’s biggest failing is that it doesn’t feel like a game made for or by gay people.”

The new Dadrector’s Cut of Dream Daddy will be available for PC, Steam, and PS4 on October 30th.

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