What’s on the menu for dessert? Two yummy podcast hosts.

Following the viral coinage of “girl dinner” on TikTok, a new memeable meal has gone viral: “gay boy dessert,” or in other words, eye candy for the gays.

The term was coined not by a gay boy, but by a straight ally: Frank Alvarez, co-host of TikTok viral podcast The Basement Yard.

If you’ve never watched or listened to The Basement Yard, you’re in for a treat. Alvarez and his co-host Joe Santagato are two of the only straight men who should actually be allowed to own podcasting equipment. On the show, the two longtime friends banter and talk about every topic under the sun. Some fans have appropriately dubbed them the straight Trixie and Katya.

In a recent episode, Santagato was showing off some new merch for the show and wound up flexing his biceps in the process.

“Someone’s gonna screengrab that,” Alvarez warned. “You’re gonna be f***ing, the gay boy’s dessert this week.”

Alvarez’s prediction quickly came true — both Alvarez and Santagato know there are legions of gay men thirsting over them on the internet, and they welcome the attention. 

Not only did gay men follow Alvarez’s advice and screenshot to their hearts’ content, but they also quickly adopted his new turn of phrase.

One user even drew up a four-course menu: enby appetizer, lesbian lunch, girl dinner, and of course, gay boy dessert. I’m feeling full already.

It’s not their first time contributing to queer culture. When discussing the existence of gay serial killers, the boys drew an important distinction: “Straight people kill. Gay people slay.” No matter the topic, when The Basement Yard touches on gay culture, it’s guaranteed comedy gold.

The moral of the story? Always save room for dessert.