Last night’s debate might have been frustrating, heartbreaking, terrifying, maddening, and deeply upsetting on every level, but at least we got the confirmation we were hoping for. What confirmation, you ask? Only that Kennedy twink Jack Schlossberg—he of the “Ticket to Ride” video—has finally admitted what we all know.

During the debate, Schlossberg—who beguiled fans earlier this month after reciting Byron on a skateboard—admitted that he and noted news lesbian Rachel Maddow share a face.

Not only that, but Schlossberg was doing exactly what we all should have been doing during last night’s debate: wreaking absolute havoc, being silly, enjoying an at-home ice bath, and generally not being bothered by the spectre of our fallen democracy.

At one point, he even tried to offer his own commentary…

But mostly he was being silly, doing his Little Edie sh*t, having a ball, and enjoying his resemblance to Rachel Maddow. Call it fiddling while Rome burns, call it anything you like…but you can’t say it’s not entertaining.

Put someone in the White House who can STRUT!



♬ Back In Black – AC/DC