Hailing from the diverse and kinetic music scene of Brooklyn, New York, FIIZ is an electropop duo transforming the contemporary pop landscape with its genre-defying sound and empowering storytelling. Composed of two best friends, Fiona and Isabelle, FIIZ emanates an enchanting energy that results in mesmerizing and immersive sonic adventures. The duo strives to go beyond traditional pop themes and heteronormative narratives, skillfully creating a soundscape for representation and connection within their music.

Crafted in collaboration with the renowned Dutch producer Sietse Fase—known artistically as Evanly—NIGHTCAP marks a significant evolution in FIIZ’s musical journey. Released February 2nd, The EP narrates the duo’s explorative journey – from experiencing love with a woman for the first time and navigating the tumultuous aftermath of a friendship group breakup post-college to profound encounters with the multiverse. 

The EP opens with “Pregame”, a slick track with a chugging EDM dance beat and evocative lyrics. “Going down on me/Open door policy/Always more fun than the real party.” The hypnotic intonation and production is reminiscent of Janet Jackson’s “Free Xone”—another pop song for girls and gays—and promises a good time on the dance floor and in the bedroom.

Following that is the track “Alien Chant”, which lets the listener catch their breath with dreamy lyrics and ambient production. “Neon drips swirl under my tongue/One more step and her dress comes undone/The world breathes louder than my song.” It’s a song of feeling a little out of place and yet yearning to live life to the fullest.

This feeling flows all the way into the EP’s third song, “All My Worlds.” It’s an upbeat track that is perfect for a drive out on the town. The intro starts slow before the song kicks off with a pulsing beat that brings to mind car lights and city lights. Queer-forward lyrics like: “All my dreams are real/All my friends are hot/My thoughts come true/I do love you.” urge the listener to go out and find their true selves. 

On “Lungs”, we get sonic sensuality embodied in a slow-burning EDM beat. It is atmospheric and sensual, with lyrics such as “You’re the only one who gets to see underneath/My sunrise lover, I’d rather kiss you than breathe.”

“Hyperventilate” is short and frenetic with a hint of sweetness, while “Phantom Limb’s” cautiously optimistic rhythm brings us perfectly into the closing track “Nightcap,” a meditative track about queer friendship and resiliency.

Even with the world on fire and everyone so tired, we continue to exist and find moments of joy worth fighting for, and FIIZ speaks directly to that sense of exhausted gay optimism. If you need an electro-pop soundtrack for a romantic, dreamy night out, look no further.