weighty issue

Lizzo reacts to South Park episode that mocks her body positivity

Singer Lizzo reacted Saturday to animated series, South Park using her name in an episode about weight loss.

In Friday’s episode on Paramount+, entitled “The End of Obesity”, Cartman seeks medication to help him lose weight. He discovers he can’t afford Ozempic or Wegovy and his doctor tells him to try “LIzzo” instead, handing over what looks like an album. 

A commercial for said “LIzzo” elaborates on what it is. A character says that “Lizzo” helps users “feel good about [their] weight,” claiming that 70% of those who took it “no longer cared how much they weighed.”

“Lizzo helps you eat everything you want and keep physical activity to a minimum,” it continues. 

On learning of the episode, Lizzo took to TikTok to film herself reacting to the episode. She jokingly told followers that her “worst fear had been actualized” by being named on an episode of South Park. 

Watch her reaction below. She watches most of the clip with her mouth wide open in shock. 



♬ original sound – lizzo

“I’m going to keep on showing you”

Afterward, she said, “That’s crazy. I just feel like, damn, I’m really that b*tch,” she said, adding: “I really show the world how to love yourself and not give a f*ck to the point where these men in Colorado know who the f*ck I am and put it on their cartoon that’s been around for 25 years.

“I’m going to keep on showing you how not to give a f*ck.”

Online, some called the South Park skit “brutal” or were pleased to see Lizzo reacted well to it. 


However, Lizzo haters also took delight in the South Park roasting. The right-wing End Wokeness X account notched up over 83k likes when it reshared Lizzo’s clip.

In the South Park episode, Cartman is told to listen to Lizzo five times a day. This prompts him to quip, “Rich people get Ozempic. Poor people get body positivity.”

The episode ends with other characters realizing it’s wrong to weight-shame people. As Kyle points out, the sugar industry, pharmaceutical companies and health insurers all profit from obesity. 

“How can anybody have willpower when all these forces are manipulating us every day? It’s impossible. And I’ve learned one very important thing. It isn’t fair to put the blame on anyone for their weight,” he says. 

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