Well, it’s safe to say that Netflix’s Wednesday is a hit. From stylish gothic attire to dance TikToks set to Lady Gaga’s “Bloody Mary”, Wednesday has a chokehold on us and she’s not letting go any time soon. Jenna Ortega brought to life the Addams Family’s oldest child, who transfers from her high school to Nevermore Academy. There, she’s surrounded by the best and brightest outsiders, just like herself. 

And while reticent to create connections, Wednesday makes a few friends along the way. Enid Sinclair, Bianca Barclay, Xavier Thorpe, and Tyler Galpin (played by Emma Myers, Joy Sunday, Percy Hynes White, and Hunter Doohan respectively) are just a few of the friendly faces Wednesday meets at Nevermore. INTO sat down with Myers, Sunday, Hynes White, and Doohan to chat about their hit show Wednesday

Check out the interview below. 

Wednesday is streaming now on Netflix.