Adult film actor Tegan Zayne took to Twitter on Sunday to share a story of sexual assault. Throughout the post, Zayne only mentioned the person who assaulted him as a “scene partner” before eventually naming film actor and Andrew Christian model Topher DiMaggio as the person who assaulted him.

Zayne tweeted out four images of a letter he wrote about the incident with the caption #MeToo. In the post, he detailed how DiMaggio allegedly came to his room the night before they were to shoot a scene together and forced himself on Zayne. Zayne at first said he didn’t want to have sex.

Then, when DiMaggio allegedly penetrated him, Zayne said he asked DiMaggio not to ejaculate inside him. DiMaggio allegedly ignored the request.

“I’ve seen a lot of stories come out about the metoo thing, but it’s (sic) feels like no one cares about the male victims, or the sex workers,” Zayne wrote. “As someone else said ‘rape doesn’t exist in this line of wrk’, and it couldn’t be more true.”

DiMaggio responded to Zayne in QueerMeNow, saying: “He’s crazy and twists stories. He was so happy to film with me even the next day. It’s sad. I’m not going to give it any attention.”

INTO has reached out to DiMaggio for comment and will update if we hear back.

Images via Twitter and PornHub