Married Ohio conservative lawmaker Wes Goodman is no longer a lawmaker after he was found sexing another man inside his office, the Columbus Dispatch reports.

According to the Dispatch, Ohio House speaker Cliff Rosenberger met with Goodman after he was told of the incident, which was consensual.

“I met with him later in the day where he acknowledged and confirmed the allegations,” Rosenberger said in a statement to the Dispatch. “It became clear that his resignation was the most appropriate course of action for him, his family, the constituents of the 87th House District and this institution.”

The house speaker’s spokesman said there is no video of the encounter, contrary to some speculation.

On his own website, Goodman, 33, touted himself as believing that “healthy, vibrant, thriving, values-driven families are the source of Ohio’s proud history,” expressed regret for his actions.

Now, to be clear, there’s nothing family unfriendly about queer intimacy it’s the hypocrisy that’s the problem here.

In the past, Goodman said he was “proud” to be a part of theCaveman Caucus, a moniker for ultra-conservative lawmakers within the Republican party. According to the Dispatch, Goodman tried to freeze Medicaid expansion.

“We all bring our own struggles and our own trials into public life. That has been true for me, and I sincerely regret that my actions and choices have kept me from serving my constituents and our state in a way that reflects the best ideals of public service,” Goodman said in a statement to the Dispatch. “For those whom I have let down, I’m sorry. As I move onto the next chapter of my life, I sincerely ask for privacy for myself, my family, and my friends.”