Last night, while celebrities were bringing their Gilded Age best to the red carpet of the Met Gala, a draft was leaked that proposed the overriding of Roe v. Wade. Americans woke up to the horrifying reality of a country hell-bent on removing the right to an abortion, a move that would impact millions of Americans across the gender spectrum.
Rightfully, queer and trans twitter was pissed. We’re feeling helpless, attacked, disgusted, and nauseous all at once. So you know, a typical Tuesday in America.
Let’s start with a few home truths, shall we?
If men were able to get pregnant,
you’d be able to get an abortion at Rite Aid.— Lisa Shmeesa 🦎🦎🦎 (@LisaRieffel) May 3, 2022
Forced birth in a country with the highest maternal mortality rate, no paid maternity leave, no universal, subsidized childcare, no continued birth parent care, and frequently inaccessible mental health care.
— Tocarra Mallard (@TocarraElise) May 3, 2022
Luckily, as always, we’re prepared to fight.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
I ain’t never ever ever ever ever gonna stop helping people who want abortions get them. So Roe or no Roe, we getting abortions over here!
— Shug Baèvry (@TheFireNexTime) May 3, 2022
🧵My statement on the draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade #GAPol
— Ruwa Romman (@Ruwa4Georgia) May 3, 2022
It’s clear that the Christian right, in its death throes, is trying its best to erase whatever freedoms they can.
Democrats control the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. They should suspend the filibuster and pass a law protecting the right to abortion before this egregious decision by an illegitimately seated Christian Nationalist Court is allowed to take effect.
— Ari Drennen (@AriDrennen) May 3, 2022
And they call US radical.
This is unprecedented for a leak like this. Absolutely insane for a draft opinion to leak. The underlying decision is so radical that someone decided the public needed to know.
— Alejandra Caraballo 🏳️⚧️🇵🇷 (@Esqueer_) May 3, 2022
Let’s remember, too, that all of our rights are intertwined. This isn’t just a women’s issue, or a queer issue, or a democratic issue. It’s everything at once.
if the draft decision mentions gay marriage and lawrence vs texas, then it really couldn’t be clearer that for all the squeamish equivocating of the centre, the right understands perfectly that queer rights and women’s rights are insolubly tangled up together. act accordingly
— michael wave (@SzMarsupial) May 3, 2022
Interestingly, folks started pointing out the connection between the glamorization of the Gilded Age and the current political climate:
Notable detail of the Gilded Age: In the US, it was also the period most state laws banning abortion and cross-dressing were passed. Gross inequality and a fear of new immigrants tend to be followed by the tightening of gender norms in an effort to boost fertility.
— Gillian Branstetter (@GBBranstetter) May 2, 2022
roe v wade going down during the gilded age themed met gala … whew
— morgan sung (@morgan_sung) May 3, 2022
It’s also a trans issue, because Republicans refuse to view as anything but baby-making machines.
you understand that this is an anti-abortion image, right?
— Colby Gordon (@badinfinity2) May 3, 2022
The horror is happening right now.
If you are out here saying “marriage equality is next” please do keep in mind that at least one state has made care for trans youth a felony right now and is currently in court defending that law. There is no “next” – the horror is NOW.
— Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) May 3, 2022
But we fought in the past, and we’ll keep fighting.
Today is a good day to read about the Jane Collective, a group who successfully ran an underground abortion clinic in Chicago.
In May ‘72, they were raided by CPD. In Jan 73 the SCOTUS legalized abortion, and all charges were dropped against the Janes.
— Arielle Cohen 🌹🔥 (@ariellecohen) May 3, 2022
And let’s not forget the people who are the most impacted by this decision, even if Roe v. Wade were to remain in place:
In light of the draft of a leaked majority Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade, I want to call your attention to the people that would be impacted most by the end of legalized abortion across the United States. 🧵:
— Leah Feiger (@LeahFeiger) May 3, 2022
Legal does not equal accessible. Abortion was legal when Rosie Jimenez died in 1977. But her Medicaid didn’t cover the procedure, so she was forced to seek illegal, unsafe care.
If we truly want reproductive freedom, we need so much more than what Roe gave us.
— Stephanie Jimenez (@estefsays) May 3, 2022
They keep coming for us, and we keep fighting.