There’s an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, but this photo of Carson Jones at his father’s swearing-in ceremony speaks for itself.

Doug Jones officially became a member of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, taking his oath of office as Alabama’s first Democratic Senator in 25 years. Jones, who defeated anti-LGBTQ Republican Roy Moore in last month’s special election, was accompanied by longtime friend Joe Biden and son Carson, who recently opened up about his sexuality in an interview with INTO.

Also present was Mike Pence, who is pictured forlornly holding the Bible on which Jones placed his left hand. As the highest-ranking member of the Senate, it’s the vice president’s job to swear in elected representatives to the body.

But given that Pence’s boss backed Moore in the Alabama race, his stone face suggests anointing Jones was a thankless task.

Pence’s blank expression, however, was no match for what Carson Jones was serving. The 22-year-old is giving the vice president major side-eye in a picture posted to his Instagram account on Wednesday. A hashtag on the post (“#nocaptionneeded”) shows the vexed look was intentional.

##dougjones #swearingin #washingtondc #capitol #wemadeit #nocaptionneeded

A post shared by Carson Jones (@thedapperzookeeper) on

The post has received over 10,000 likes at the time of writing.

The younger Jones was unavailable to comment on the photo prior to press time, but the shade is unsurprising given the vice president’s long history of opposing LGBTQ rights.

As the governor of Indiana, Pencesigned into law a controversial billallowing people of faith to deny services to LGBTQ people based on their “sincerely held religious beliefs.” Enacted in 2015, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was “fixed” when its passageled to a $60 million boycott of the state.

After President Donald Trump tapped Pence to be his second-in-command, he has continued to pursue anti-LGBTQ policies at the federal level.

Pencehas reportedly pushed Trump to sign an executive orderstrikingly similar to his widely unpopular RFRA bill. He was reportedly one of the most vocal proponents of a so-called “religious liberty” memorandumwhichwas tabled at the urgingof the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner.

The Commander-in-Chief once“joked” that the vice president, whomay or may not be a conversion therapy advocate, “wants to hang” all gay people in aNew Yorkerprofile.

Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images