Gay White Supremacist Milo Yiannopoulos Reportedly $2 Million in Debt

Former alt-right darling and gay white supremacist figure Milo Yiannopoulos is more than $2 million in debt, as recently released documents suggest.

Yiannopoulos allegedly owes at least $1.6 million to Milo Inc., the media company he founded after being fired from Breitbart. His other debts include reportedly $400,000 owed to the Mercers, the billionaire family behind his old employer; $153,000 in unpaid legal fees; $52,000 to the Four Seasons hotel in Hawaii that hosted his 2017 wedding; and $20,000 o the high-end jeweler Cartier.

In addition, the 34-year-old owes thousands of dollars to far-right figures like Allum Bokhari, Ian Miles Cheong, and Pamela Geller.

The spray-tanned troll’s alleged arrears were brought to light by Australian Events Management (AEM), a tour promotion company managed by Ben and Dan Spiller. The brother duo had hoped to have Yiannopoulos headline a tour of the country. The tours were initially scheduled for April, September, and December.

According to AEM, Yiannopoulos was paid a $40,000 advance for agreeing to partner with the company. The firm also offered him a monthly payment of $32,500 “in exchange for marketing, public relations, and production work.”

As the U.K.-based anti-racism nonprofit Hope Not Hate claims, Yiannopoulos was set to “receive up to $100,000 before the tour started plus 33 percent of net profits.”

However, AEM had already paid him over $171,000 as of October.

“This was likely agreed on the basis of possible future earnings with Yiannopoulos claiming in correspondence with Ben Spiller, that he is ‘confident we can still do well in excess of a million dollars in ticket sales, and double that if we really go hard and do some great stunts and marketing,’” Hope Not Hate reports.

“Meanwhile, in an email dated Oct. 10, 2018, Milo says he expects the tours takings ‘to hit seven figures and whose taking might be $2 million,’” the advocacy group adds.

However, none of those tours materialized. Yiannopoulos planned to appear with a roster of controversial right-wing figures—including Fox News favorite Ann Coulter, Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, and longtime advisor Roger Stone—but the events repeatedly fell through.

Last week, McInnes was denied a visa to Australia after his organization assaulted an Antifa protester in October while shouting anti-gay slurs. The Proud Boys were recently declared an extremist group by the FBI.

Yiannopoulos has denied the characterization that his finances are in severe crisis. In comments shared with The Guardian, he claimed the files represent “company debts” rather than personal woes. He told the British newspaper that he is “doing fine and bringing in $40k U.S. a month.”

But if the AEM records are accurate, it’s unlikely that Yiannopoulos’ fortunes will improve anytime soon.

After Simon and Schuster dropped his memoir, Yiannopoulos projected that Dangerous—which he self-published—would sell millions of copies without the publisher’s backing. As of July 2017, the book reportedly only sold 152 copies in the United Kingdom.

Yiannopoulos has mulled moving to Australia to restart his career.

Image via Getty

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