Jonathan Van Ness Scalds Antoni Porowski With Severely Hot Masterpiece Cakeshop Tea

The Fab Five of Netflix’s Queer Eye reboot look like they know how to throw a dinner party. They also know how to throw down at one.

In a new interview with Vulture, the Fab Five covered a wide range of topics, but when it came to politics, the gloves came off when it came to the hot-button topic of civility and Masterpiece Cakeshop.

Interviewer E. Alex Jung asked the group whether they’d do a makeover for the Colorado baker behind the Masterpiece Cakeshop case.

Antoni answers affirmatively, and says, “I would. I want to know what that’s about. I want to know about who your parents were, how you were raised. I want to know, if this person were vetted, if there’s a willingness. Then I want to know about where that willingness is coming from.”

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However, Jonathan isn’t having it.

“Personally, where I come from, I have had people my entire life tell me to my face, ‘I don’t agree with your lifestyle. You should never be able to be married. You’re a faggot.’ Pushed down the stairs, ‘faggot’ spray painted on my car. When I say chased around with pitchforks, I’m halfway kidding. So when you close the door [and] walk out of that room, I’m pretty sure I know the type of language that was used to describe what you’d be doing in a place like that,” he said.

He continued, “When I walk out of a room with someone like that, I know very clearly the thoughts that are going through their head. Would they say it to my face? No. They’ll shake my hand with a smile on their face, and then they’re going to go and take your mom’s health care, take your children’s health care, and they’re also going to try to take food stamps from people and make sure women need to qualify how much work [they] can get so they can feed their children. So to the baker, this is someone who is fighting for the extreme right to win something on principle that the Colorado Supreme Court ruled against—”

As Jonathan goes on, Antoni says that Jonathan is making a lot of “assumptions” about the baker in the case. But Jonathan has done his homework.

“I’m not making too many assumptions,” Jonathan responds. “I let you finish your point on the baker and wanting to work with him, so I’m going to finish mine. This is someone who has led a charge from the fanatical wing of the U.S. to disenfranchise gay people and further feed the flames of the right, who says we’re evil and shouldn’t have the right to marry. Exactly what’s going on with Roe v. Wade will be the case for gay marriage if these same people continue to win Supreme Court decisions like they just won. So by legitimizing them, especially the person that has stoked such an intense case against marriage equality, that also presents such a big bone in the side of furthering marriage equality. Because even though this decision was close and it didn’t reverse the decision of the Ninth District and the Colorado board that decides the governing ethics that this baker reversed, that Supreme Court decision wasn’t super-duper clear because it didn’t reverse the initial… It was very narrow. But once you’ve lived a struggle that is not the struggle you’d have growing up in Montreal or Houston or a bigger city, and really had those people’s policies affect your local life, you have to be very careful. Especially given the opportunity the five of us have been given. To have this platform and have these followers, to be taking interviews and to say lightly that you’d take him [put the baker on the show], I don’t know. That’s why I don’t know if I’d want that episode.”

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Later, Jonathan asks Antoni if he’s read the story of the Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case, to which Antoni says no.

“So you’d know, if you did, that I’m not making a lot of this up,” Jonathan responds. When Antoni says he wants to meet the guy, Jonathan says, “Well, good luck to you. Read the article.”

The point is, protect Jonathan Van Ness at all costs.

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Photo by Mary Clavering/Young Hollywood/Getty Images

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