
Knoxville Tennessee’s Torched Planned Parenthood Clinic is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

· Updated on March 23, 2023

A New Year’s Eve fire that destroyed a Knoxville Planned Parenthood center has now been determined to be arson, according to the city’s fire department. The center was closed for renovations when the arsonist struck, leaving over 4,000 North Tennessee residents without access to basic care, abortion, and HRT treatment, among other basic services. A year previous to the arson incident, the same clinic was shot at, leaving its front door shattered. The two incidents are being pursued separately by the fire department.

Now that the clinic is closed, patients in the Knoxville area must travel two hours out of their way to receive comparable care. 

Some freaks community members cheered the clinic’s closing:

What’s more, conservatives are using this momentum to come after progressive authors and scientists who have spoken out in support of gender-nonconforming youth:

They’re calling it “the war on women,” because of course they are.

Thankfully, this Planned Parenthood location is still able to provide patients with HRT via telehealth:

Thread author @ErinInTheMorn has also created a helpful map of nearby resources in Knoxville and surrounding areas.

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