Mitch McConnell Vows to Kick Roy Moore of Out Senate If He Wins Election

· Updated on May 28, 2018

Senate candidate Roy Moore has held onto a three-point lead in Alabama following numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, but according to Mitch McConnell, it won’t matter.

The Senate majority leader believes that Moore would be likely to be expelled from Congress, as Politico reports. The former judge is currently campaigning against Democrat Doug Jones in a special election for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacated seat. Should Moore win next month’s runoff, McConnell told colleagues in a closed-door meeting that the Republican is likely to face ethical complaints that would lead to his removal.

“He would be sworn in and be asked to testify under oath and it would be a rather unusual beginning, probably an unprecedented beginning,” the Kentucky Senator elsewhere claimed, speaking at a Wall Street Journal event.

Ejecting Moore is just one of the options Republican Senators have entertained to prevent the 70-year-old from joining the Beltway in 2018.

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski threw her support behind a write-in candidacy for Luther Strange, who lost to Moore by a sizable 10 point margin in an August primary race. Strange was widely supported by the Republican establishment, including McConnell and President Donald Trump.

But Strange has dismissed the suggestion he might mount one last crusade to take down Moore. The 64-year-old’s campaign is in considerable debt from his primary defeat.

“I think right now a write-in candidacy is highly unlikely,” Strange told members of the press on Monday. “I made my case, and now it’s really going to be up to the people of our state to sort this out.”

At the time of writing, five women have come forward to accuse Moore of sexual misconduct stemming from his days as a district attorney in the 1970s. Four women claimed in a bombshell Nov. 9 report in the Washington Post that he propositioned them as teenagers. Leigh Corfman was just 14 when she says Moore gave her his number outside a courthouse, took her out, and then fondled her over her undergarments on their second date.

Following the Post report, Beverly Young Nelson alleged in a Monday press conference that Moore gave her a ride home from work one night and attempted to force himself on her. She was 16, and he was a regular at the restaurant where she was employed as a waitress.

Moore, who has called the claims “garbage” and “fake news,” has refused to step down in the face of GOP opposition to his campaign.

In addition to McConnell, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Color.), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) have called upon Moore to tender his resignation. Utah Senator Mike Lee, once one of the anti-LGBTQ figure’s biggest supporters, asked Moore to remove his face from all campaign literature.

The GOP candidate, who was ousted from the Alabama Supreme Court after attempting to block same-sex marriages in the state, has instead responded by calling for McConnell’s removal. He has been consistently tweeting #DitchMitch in the past week.

“The good people of Alabama, not the Washington elite who wallow in the swamp, will decide this election!” Moore said in a Tuesday Twitter post.

(Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

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