Pence’s Office: Pence Does Not, In Fact, Want to Hang All the Gays

· Updated on May 28, 2018

Fake news is at it again!

Yesterday, the New Yorker reported that, during a discussion of gay rights, President Donald Trump turned to the vice president and said, “Don’t ask that guy he wants to hang them all!”

Today, the vice president’s office released a statement pushing back against the New Yorker story, calling the story “unsubstantiated” and “unsourced.”

“Articles like this are why the American people have lost so much faith in the press,” Farah said in a statement to the Indianapolis Star. “The New Yorker piece is filled with unsubstantiated, unsourced claims that are untrue and offensive.”

While the VP’s office is claiming the vice president never said what the New Yorker says he said, a quick look at his actions shows that he cleary gives zero fucks about queer people: including neglecting HIV prevention and advocating for conversion therapy.

But that’s none of our business.


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