
North Carolina Lt. Gov: Trans folk can stop using public toilets and “find a corner outside”

North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, is at it again. The Bible-bashing Republican first made headlines in the summer of 2021 during an appearance at Asbury Baptist Church.

The congregation applauded when Robinson told them, “There is no reason anybody, anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, or any of that filth.

“And yes, I called it filth. And if you don’t like it that I called it filth, come see me about it.”

Robinson took office in 2021. Despite his controversial views, he has continued to speak out against any advances in LGBTQ+ rights. This year, he’s running to be the GOP candidate for Governor.

In a recent campaign meeting, cameras caught Robinson proudly attacking trans people. The event took place in Cary earlier this month.

“We’re going to defend women in this state. That means if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you.”

His comments echo similar ones he made recently during a campaign stop in Greenville, NC. There he said, “If you are a man, you better go to the men’s bathroom. If you are confused find a corner outside,” reports the WUNC.

North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Bill’

North Carolina infamously passed a “Bathroom Bill” (HB2) in 2016. It stipulated people could only use public restrooms that matched the gender listed on their birth certificate.

The legislation prompted widespread criticism and boycotts of the state by organizations and major companies. The NCAA temporarily banned the state from hosting college sports championships.

Lawmakers partially repealed in 2017. It was fully repealed in 2020. It sounds like Robinson would happily see it return, despite the economic damage its introduction inflicted upon North Carolina.

State lawmakers last year introduced legislation banning gender-affirming care for anyone under 18. They also banned trans athletes from campaigning on teams that match their gender identity.

The last Republican Governor in North Carolina was Pat McCrory. He lost his re-election bid in 2016 to Democrat Roy Cooper.

Cooper steps down this year due to term limits. Republicans are hopeful they might win the Governor’s seat back. However, Robinson currently leads the primary polls for the nomination and some believe his extremist views could cost him victory in November.

Here he is saying he’d like a complete abortion ban in North Carolina.

Robinson’s extreme views a turn-off to many voters

One of his GOP opponents, attorney Bill Graham, believes Robinson is a wrong fit for the Governorship. Asked about his latest comments, Graham didn’t address them directly.

“Mark Robinson will lose and hurt all GOP candidates if he is the nominee,” Graham’s spokesman Alex Baltzegar said in an email to WUFC. “His comments about the Holocaust being hogwash along with his demeaning comments about women will wreck GOP chances for regaining the White House and the governorship here in North Carolina.”

Fellow Republican candidate, State Treasurer Dean Folwell, said of Robinson: “He’s history’s latest example of someone who’s trying to rise to power based on telling people who to hate.”

The North Carolina primary takes place on March 5th.

The leading Democratic candidate for nomination is Attorney General Josh Stein. Although Robinson looks likely to clinch the GOP nomination, a recent poll pitting him against Stein had him trailing 35%-39%.

A Stein spokesperson, anticipating the battle later this year, said last week, “North Carolinians are supporting Josh’s campaign for Governor because they believe in his vision for a safer, stronger North Carolina. This November, voters will reject Lieutenant Governor Robinson’s divisive agenda of defunding public schools and banning abortion and send Josh to the Governor’s office to bring people together and deliver on the issues that matter to their daily lives.”

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