An out, lesbian lawmaker yesterday blasted Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in no uncertain terms. Becca Balint [above left], a first-term Democrat from Vermont, moved to force a vote on her resolution to censure Greene.

Addressing Congress, Balint addressed the many reasons why Greene deserves censuring.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly fanned the flames of racism, anti-semitism, hate speech against the LGBTQ community, Islamophobia, Asian hate, xenophobia and other forms of hatred.

“Whereas Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly debased the memories of thousands of victims of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, by perpetuating conspiracy theories to shift blame and responsibility for mass murder.

“Whereas Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly assaulted the foundation of our democracy by perpetuating conspiracy theories relating to the January 6th attack on the capital which sought to halt the peaceful transfer of power.

And on and on Balint continued, ticking off around 40 grievances against Greene.

Greene acts to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Balint first introduced the legislation in July. She suggested she was moved to try and force a vote after Greene—with the permission of new speaker Mike Johnson—pushed ahead with efforts to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (Mich.).

Greene accused Tlaib—who is of Palestinian descent—of “antisemitic activity” and “sympathizing with terrorist organizations.”

Balint blasted Greene’s move and Johnson for allowing it.

“The fact that on the very first day of his leadership, he lets Marjorie Taylor Greene bring to the floor a resolution that is riddled with lies and falsehoods on my colleague — it won’t stand,” the Vermont lawmaker said.

“This woman, Marjorie Taylor Greene — it seems to be her only purpose is to sic Americans after other Americans, to fend more hatred, to fan more dissension and fear-mongering,” Balint said. “We have got to have a bottom here.”

Both Greene and Balint’s moves came to the floor of Congress as privileged resolutions. That means lawmakers must decide on them within two working days. However, representatives departed the house Thursday evening and are not now due back until Wednesday.

Leadership will either bring the measure to the floor for a vote or motion to table it. Both of these moves would require majority support. As Republicans control the House, Balint’s vote to censure is likely to fail. How Greene’s move to censure Tlaib fares is more uncertain.

Greene appeared to respond to Balint’s speech in Congress with a pithy tweet calling her a conspiracy theorist.

Intersex Awareness Day

Besides blasting Greene, Balint had a notable day in Congress for other reasons yesterday (October 26th). She took the opportunity to introduce a congressional resolution to recognize Intersex Awareness Day.

“Intersex people must be recognized as valid and seen within the LGBTQI+ community,” Balint said in a statement. “This resolution is an important step in uplifting the intersex community and fighting interphobia. I’m proud to join Equality Caucus Chair Mark Pocan in working toward intersex awareness and equality.”