LGBTQ people in Kansas City will be greeting Mike Pence with a sausage party.

On Wednesday, the local alternative radio station rock radio station KRBZ is holding a barbecue across from a planned speech from the Vice President set to be delivered at the Kansas City Marriott at 12:30pm CT. The Mike Pence Sausage Fest, which will take place at nearby Barney Allis Plaza, is intended to protest the rollback of LGBTQ rights under the current administration.

“Pence is no fan of the LGBTQ community, and we’re no fan of his,” the Missouri station tweeted with a photo of Pence against a rainbow backdrop.

The Vice President is scheduled to arrive at Kansas City’s Wheeler Downtown Airport at 10:40am prior to the event, a fundraiser for Republican House Rep. Kevin Yoder. During his speech, Pence plans to address President Trump’s tax bill, which will disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans.

This is far from the first time that a visit from Trump’s second-in-command has been protested by members of the LGBTQ community.

Local queer and trans activists photo bombed his appearance at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Savannah, GA earlier this year. Nearly every picture taken of Pence during the photo op is flooded with a sea of rainbow flags in the background.

More recently, LGBTQ activists held a “Big Gay Dance Party” outside his hotel during a June visit to Columbus, OH.

Pence is likely to continue to meet with demonstrations due to his homophobic record for the remainder of his time in office. Prior to being tapped as Trump’s running mate, he signed a “religious freedom” law as the governor of Indiana, allowing businesses to refuse service to LGBTQ people. That law was “fixed” after a nationwide boycott led to an estimated $60 million in economic losses for the state.

During his 2000 run for Congress, a campaign pledge on his website promised to redirect life-saving funds for HIV/AIDS to programs “which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior,” fueling speculation he supports conversion therapy. He denies those claims.

During an October profile in The New Yorker, Trump joked that Pence “wants to hang all gay people.” He also denied that claim.

The Mike Pence Sausage Fest will start at 11:00am on Wednesday. KRBZ has claimed that the station will provide vegan hot dogs for non-meat eaters, but supplies are limited.