Report: Trump Joked that Pence “Wants to Hang” All Gay People

· Updated on May 28, 2018

2017 is a terrifying time to be alive. Our president has admitted with glee! that he loves to grab women by their genitals. And now, his gaffe parade continues with a quote about the vice president’s feelings towards gays captured in a New Yorker piece.

According to the New Yorker, when a conversation with Trump turned to gay rights, Trump casually mentioned Pence’s homophobia and said, “Don’t ask that guy he wants to hang them all!”



Of course, there’s already been a trail of evidence that Mike Pence gives zero fucks about queer people. But, here, out of the mouth of the Commander in Chief himself, it seems Pence wants a faster solution to the presence of queer people than neglecting HIV prevention or advocating for conversion therapy.

Odd that Trump would make such a joke, given that he has again and again positioned himself as a lover of “the gays” and said that he wants to protect us from a “hateful, foreign ideology.” Sounds like the hateful ideology Trump wants to protect the gays from isn’t foreign it’s at his right hand.

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